Thursday, July 18, 2013

Desk turned vanity/craft station

I have been pinning on Pinterest for quite some time now. I have several vanity/desk DIYs pinned, but have never found that "right one" for me. Until Monday. I went to the Peddler's Mall with my cousin-in-law, and we walked row after row just looking for odd knick knacks and trinkets to pick up. I was actually looking for a dresser that I could re-finish, and then I stumbled across this gem!
$45.00 at the Peddler's Mall!
I don't even need to re-paint it or anything! Black and white are my colors, and this desk is in PERFECT condition. So of course, I am already visioning what I can do with this to make it the perfect vanity/craft desk.

W and I took a trip to Lexington to visit the Habitat For Humanity Restore store, where I found this chair. It was only $15, and had clean lines. I definitely saw the possibilities with this chair.

First things first. Sand that sucker! It was stained once before so paint wasn't going to stick. Even after I sanded it, the paint still ran off. So I got a heavy duty primer, and as you can see below, primed it!

While I was waiting for that to dry, I re-covered the chair cusion. I already had this awesome fabric and never had any reason to use it. (Yes I buy things on impulse and save them for a project) Which was perfect because now I had a reason! Just a few staples in the back and the cushion is as good as new!

I gave the chair a few coats of black paint, and voila! A totally new look! It fits perfectly with the style of the desk!
Please excuse the baby mess behind the chair!

Check back later to see how I added a mirror to create the vanity effect and how it fits into my room!

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