Diet & Exercise

I found this awesome article that really opened my eyes, because I have found myself guilty of this many times.

TINY BITES: If You Bite It, You Write It!

It is tempting to ignore the calories of the little ‘nothings’ that we eat each day.  We may have a taste here or a lick there.  Alone, each bite we may consider insignificant.  But through the course of a day or a week, those calories can really add up!
Read on for an example:
Bite 1: It’s breakfast time!  You use a green for 1 cup of orange juice.  As you clean up, you realize that there is just a small bit (1/4 cup) of juice left in the carton. There’s no point in putting a mostly-empty carton back in the fridge.  You might as well finish it, right?  You add it to your glass. Calories: 31

Bite 2: As you put the container of milk from the cereal in the refrigerator, you see some cake left over from a family party.  You remember that it was really good!  You take just a small ‘sample’ of it- you don’t even use a fork.  It tastes so good; you figure a second fingerful would be okay too. Calories: 73
Bite 3: Lunchtime finally arrives.  Oops! You forgot to ask them to leave the mayo off your turkey burger at lunch.  Calories: 100
Bite 4: You keep eyeing your dad’s French fries and decide to steal two or three.  Everybody knows that calories don’t count if you eat off somebody else’s plate.  Calories: 51
Bite 5: Your brother ordered a bacon cheeseburger and it looks so good.  “Can I try a bite?” you ask and he agrees.  Calories: 83 
Bite 6: The onions on your turkey burger tasted great but now your breath stinks.  On the way out of the diner, you grab a handful of mints. Calories: 60
Bite 7: Home at last.  You just finished your homework and take a chocolate kiss from the candy jar to celebrate.  Calories: 25
Bite 8: You go outside to play when you finish your homework and run into your friend eating an ice cream cone.  “Can I have a lick?” you ask.  Calories: 40
Bite 9: Your mom needs to go food shopping and she takes you along for the ride.  Great!  They’re giving out free samples of cheese on a cracker.  You can’t turn down free food!  And after all, it’s just a small sample. Calories: 55
Bite 10: You are home from the grocery store and starting to feel a bit hungry.  A couple tablespoons of nuts can’t have that many calories.  Besides, nuts have those ‘good fats’. Calories: 105
Bite 11: It’s finally time for mom to start cooking dinner.  She’s trying out a new macaroni and cheese recipe for dinner.  You taste (just two tablespoons) as your mom cooks.  Calories: 54
Bite 12: Your mom’s new recipe tasted great and your mom left a few bites on her plate. You know all about the starving children in Africa and you don’t want to be wasteful.  Another few bites can’t hurt, right? Calories: 108


BAM! The grand total “extra” calories for the day: 785!

Did you know that it takes approximately 3500 calories to burn off one pound of fat a week? If you are consuming these extra 785 calories on top of your recommended calorie intake a day, you would be GAINING a pound a week! It would take about an hour and a half on the elliptical just to burn off those 'tiny bites' each day. 

Here is a quick workout that'll burn off 100 calories fast:
40 Jumping Jacks
30 Crunches
20 Squats
10 Pushups

Repeat 5 times

All of this information came from on the Red Light! Green Light! Eat Right! website.

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