Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Do all those "little bites" here and there really matter? What's a couple crackers here or a few bites of that brownie over there? Well let me tell you a little story to put it in perspective...

Sally wakes up and makes herself a hearty and healthy breakfast of 9 tablespoons of egg whites 75 calories. She also had 2 slices of turkey bacon at 60 calories. She also ate a clementine that was 35 calories. 

Her kids woke up and wanted breakfast, so being the good mom she is, she made them chocolate chip pancakes, with regular bacon, and of course, she had to eat one of those pancakes because it couldn't go to waste, so that was another 170 calories

It's mid morning now, and Sally was in need of a snack. She made a whey protein shake with almond milk, 140 calories, ate a handful of almonds, 70 calories

But then the kids needed a snack too she broke out the goldfish and ate a handful as she poured them into the bowls for the kids, 70 calories

By lunch Sally was pretty hungry so she ate 2 cups of romaine lettuce, 15 calories, 2 oz of a tomoato, 20 calories, feta cheese, 99 calories, 3 oz of chicken, 140 calories, balsamic vinegar, 15 calories, olive oil, 70 calories. 

But of course the kids need lunch now, and they don't like pizza rolls it is! Still feeling a bit hungry you snag 3 of the pizza rolls giving you 110 calories

Shew, is it nap time yet? Thank goodness!

But now naptime is over and these kids need some food!

So, being the good mother she is, Sally fixed herself and her kids a snack. Peanut butter and apples! 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and a regular sized apple 260 calories

FINALLY dad is home and it is time for dinner! He was in the Italian mood, so pasta and garlic bread it is! Sally ate a good breakfast and lunch, so it's ok to splurge at dinner right? That homemade sauce is just soooo good. Sally only ate one cup of pasta so that gave her just 310 calories. But oh we cannot forget that addicting garlic bread! One slice as it comes out of the oven, one with dinner, and the half that little Johnny didn't finish. 345 calories

And as always, the kids want dessert. But Sally didn't make anything fancy so she got out the oreos and gave the kids each 2 cookies. And grabbed herself two cookies because, let's face it, you've ate great all day what's two oreo cookies?! 140 calories. 

Now it's bedtime and you're a bit hungry after that starchy meal, so Sally grabs a banana, 70 calories. And finally goes to bed.

Sally's total daily caloric intake should be around 1200-1300. Her actual intake was 2,044!!! Thats 844 OVER her goal!

Let's just say Sally worked out for 1 hour, and burned about 586 calories. Since that is what I burn in an hour based on my weight and height. She's still at 1458. That's still 258 calories OVER her daily goal.

If you aren't writing down EVERYTHING you intake, you will always wonder why you cannot get to your goals. You have to hold yourself accountable. YES these little bites do matter! A handful here and couple pizza rolls there, DO MATTER! Especially for those who cannot workout more than lightweight activities.

Take the time to figure out what you're taking in, and instead of taking those little bites, sip on WATER! It will help keep you fuller and away from those little devil bites.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Booty-mus Maximus

Today's topic is all about your bum! I have uploaded an awesome workout that I do on the days that I can't get to the gym. It doesn't take up much space, but it defintely gets that heart rate going and the leg and butt muscles burning! I have printed on there to repeat it 3 times. Trust me, you will be tired! If you can go another round, do it!


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Desk turned vanity/craft station

I have been pinning on Pinterest for quite some time now. I have several vanity/desk DIYs pinned, but have never found that "right one" for me. Until Monday. I went to the Peddler's Mall with my cousin-in-law, and we walked row after row just looking for odd knick knacks and trinkets to pick up. I was actually looking for a dresser that I could re-finish, and then I stumbled across this gem!
$45.00 at the Peddler's Mall!
I don't even need to re-paint it or anything! Black and white are my colors, and this desk is in PERFECT condition. So of course, I am already visioning what I can do with this to make it the perfect vanity/craft desk.

W and I took a trip to Lexington to visit the Habitat For Humanity Restore store, where I found this chair. It was only $15, and had clean lines. I definitely saw the possibilities with this chair.

First things first. Sand that sucker! It was stained once before so paint wasn't going to stick. Even after I sanded it, the paint still ran off. So I got a heavy duty primer, and as you can see below, primed it!

While I was waiting for that to dry, I re-covered the chair cusion. I already had this awesome fabric and never had any reason to use it. (Yes I buy things on impulse and save them for a project) Which was perfect because now I had a reason! Just a few staples in the back and the cushion is as good as new!

I gave the chair a few coats of black paint, and voila! A totally new look! It fits perfectly with the style of the desk!
Please excuse the baby mess behind the chair!

Check back later to see how I added a mirror to create the vanity effect and how it fits into my room!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Ahh....Kentucky at its finest

I LOVE how gorgeous the Bluegrass State is. I live in a small town, with plenty of beautiful countryside to roam in. I live in a two street neighborhood, and behind my neighborhood is a 1 mile road that leads to farms and pasture. I go running down this road every other day becasue one, it's such a beautiful site, and two, it is two miles there and back which is PLENTY of mileage for me!

This barn is on my most favorite property in the whole city. As the sun was setting in the photo on the left, I caught all the elements of the beauty the Lord has blessed us with.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Role of Body Weight in Knee Pain

The Role of Body Weight in Knee Pain
If you're overweight, your primary care physician will help assess the role your weight plays in your knee pain and recommend a plan of treatment accordingly. Most likely, a plan for weight loss will be part of your treatment. Many knee problems can be avoided by maintaining a healthy weight.
Carrying extra weight is directly related to knee pain. A 2008 review article in the journal Obesity found that obesity (defined as having a body mass index of 30 or above) leads to pain, limits activity, and increases the risk of needing a total knee replacement. In 2003, Obesity Research published a study of 5,700 Americans over age 60. It showed that the more obese a person was, the more likely he or she was to experience knee pain. About 56% of severely obese people had significant knee pain, compared with 15% of people who were not overweight.
Such findings are not surprising when you consider that with each step on level ground, you put one to one-and-a-half times your body weight on each knee. So a 200-pound person can put 300 pounds of pressure on each knee with each step. The burden is even higher when you go up and down stairs (two or three times as much weight) or squat (four or five times). So if you're 50 pounds overweight, the simple act of going downstairs and squatting to move clothes from the washer to the dryer puts hundreds of extra pounds of force on your knees.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

How I Had An Elegant Wedding for Under $3,000.00

Weddings are the most wonderful time in a woman's life right? That is until you start planning, budgeting, and realizing just how expensive a wedding really is. Unfortunately my parent's weren't financially able to dish out tens of thousands of dollars, which is really unnecessary any how. In this post I will give you the exact break down of every cost we had. I will also show you pictures of our wedding/reception so you can see how amazing it looked for just paying $3,000.00!

I apologize in advance for the gazillion photos, but I sometimes am visualizer so I figured my photos would spark your creativity!

First I would like to BRAG yes BRAG that I got my wedding dress for $100.00! I can't for the life of me find the website I got it on anymore, but the night we got engaged, W's mom and I googled wedding dresses. We mainly looked at images, and went to the site when we fould one we liked. I stumbled upon this dress, and thought it was seeing things when I saw the price was only $100.00. I couldn't believe it. We ordered it right then and there because I knew it was the one. Now I know that takes away from the traditional value of trying dresses on, but lately I've noticed I am anything but tradtional!

Isn't it gorg?! Elegant Empire Waist with beaded belt, that flowed away from the body to give it a beachy feel.
We planned our wedding in 10 weeks, crazy right? Some would think so, but ladies, it can be done!
The next order of business was the church. We went to several places all over town, but none of them felt quite right. Not to mention some places wanted $300 AN HOUR to rent their space. Hello?! I don't think so. I remembered there being a cute white church in the country so we decided to drive out there and give it a look. I fell in love with the outside, and once we went it, I was sold. No decorating was needed, just a few plants in the front to make it more lush. We paid $200.00 for the DAY!

As for the brides maids, they got their dresses at David's Bridal. Since I am not made of money, they had to purchase their own dresses. However, I found really cute dresses and they happened to be on sale for $88.00, so they were happy with me! My Maid of Honor wore the wedding color while the bridesmaids wore solid black. For their gifts, I bought them jewelry to go with their dresses. I got them bracelets in the blue color of our wedding at Michael's Craft Store. How random right? I saw them by the checkout lanes. They were my wedding color, $3.99 a piece, and so sparkly! I was thrilled.

The groomsmen all wore black suits that they already had. I wasn't too keen on the tuxedo look, My wedding wasn't super elegant-formal like the President's Ball or anything, so they all rented bow ties in the blue color we used for the wedding. W didn't have a suit that fit so we had to buy that. It was around $100.00 on sale at Macy's. I wanted him to obviously look different than his groomsmen, so he had a normal necktie in the blue. He also wore a white button down, while the groomsmen all wore black. He and the Best Man had the same pattern on their tie and bow tie, while the rest of the bow ties were solid.

I got my hair done by a professional, obviously I couldn't do my own hair. I'm not much into veils, plus they cost as much as my dress! I bought a white and black flower from Hobby Lobby for about $10.00 and had my hair dresser pin them in my hair. Simple and elegant.

Our invitations came from I ordered 175 for $90.00. I also made rehearsal breakfast invitations. We did most of our reception decorating ourselves, so we did a rehearsal breakfast, drove to the church for rehearsal, and then got to work on finishing the barn for our reception.

The key is to network through family and friends. Without their help, it would have cost way more. We had some family friends make all of our food. Only a very few things were pre-made. This is the most expensive part of any wedding really. The food cost us about $820.00, but that fed about 200 people, and there were still leftovers! Our menu consisted of: Ham Biscuits, Chicken Salad Tarts, Cup Cakes, Pies, BBQ, cheese trays, potato salad, pasta salad, beans, etc. We had fondue fountains with fruit, pretzels, marshmallows, this was cheap and the kids all LOVED it.

The only downside to having pies and cupcakes, we spent about $200 on our wedding cake and grooms cake. No one at it. I am pretty sure we brought it home and ate on it for a week, froze the top layer of our cake like you're supposed to, but really we wasted a lot of money on cake that no one ate. My advice is either don't do other desserts, or do a very small cake. I thought ours was small being a 3 tiered 10'' round cake, but I was wrong!

I am very thrifty in my purchases. I do a lot of shopping at Hobby Lobby, Michael's, Wal-Mart, Big Lots, Dollar Tree, etc. Those are the places I found my guest book ($4.00), table decorations ($205.00 which included table cloths, candles, mason jars, votives, bride and groom's table décor, etc.) bouquet accessories ($5.00 for tiny picture frames to put grandparents photo in since they were all deceased),  picture frames for isle decorations ($14.00 for 14 frames), garter ($8.50), unity candles and holder ($22.00), frame for outdoor tree to take photos in ($15.00), and much more that I cannot blab on about.

A view of the Bride and Groom's Table

My them for $14 at a discounted shoe store!
Dollar Store and TJ Maxx Plates written on with sharpie and baked at 350 for 20 minutes!

Our centerpieces came from Hobby Lobby

Wedding Favors. Found idea on Pinterest and made our own version.

I love this photo. It was edited on Instagram, but it captures the beauty of the barn.

Our reception was in a barn as I stated before. Lucky for us, it belonged to a family friend so we got to use it for free. We also called everyone we knew and borrowed all of the Christmas lights we could get from them! We strung that entire barn with twinkle lights. We made 4 hula hoop chandeliers (as you can see in the above picture) that we saw on Pinterest  which cost about $10.00 max. 

Our card box that a family member made from a picture we found on Pinterest

A friend had these made for us as a pre-wedding gift and surprised us with them!

Painted pieces of scrap wood
Had a family friend make this sign

More pieces of painted scrap wood nailed together
This photo is so simple yet speaks volumes. The church has gorgeous doors that are from floor to ceiling. We got black "M"s from Hobby Lobby and tied blue ribbon in our wedding color to them and hung them on the doors. We used them for photo props after the ceremony.

All of our flowers came ready, drum roll please......Kroger!!!
They were a fourth of the cost of any competing florist.
We even lucked out and got them on a day they were buy one
get one half off! We got enough flower for my bouquet (pictured
above), all the bridesmaids, groomsmen, and tables in the barn for $140.00!

There are so many little things here and there that can add up quickly. My best suggestion is to make a status on Face Book, Twitter, email, etc and ask people if they have A,B,C. We borrowed A LOT of things, which not only saved us money, but saved us from having a storage room full of clutter when all was said and done!